Conjunction Exercise

posted in: Advanced Grammar, Grammar | 2

Sau khi đã học tất tần tật về Liên Từ (Conjunction), giờ là lúc chúng ta làm một số exercise để xem mình quen chưa nha!

Trong bài này, chúng ta cùng xem qua một số bài tập trong chuyên đề Conjunction – Liên Từ nhé. Trước khi làm bài tập, hãy chắc rằng:

Conjunction Exercise

Part 1: Conjunction Exercise

1. Both my books ___from my room last night.
a. Were stolen and my wallet c. and my wallet was stolen
b. And my wallet were stolen d. were and my wallet was stolen

2. When ____a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and abbreviations it contains.
a. Having used b. use c. to use d. using

3. Bats are fascinating ___have many interesting and amazing qualities.
a. Animals. Therefore, they c. animals. They
b. Animals, they d. animals. Because they

4. While ____to help Time with his math, I got impatient because he wouldn’t pay attention o what I was saying.
a. I am trying b. having tried c. I try d. trying

5. ____extremely bad weather in the mountains, we’re no longer considering our skiing trip.
a. Due to b. because c. since d. due to the fact that

6. Emily is motivated to study ____she knows that a good education can improve her life.
a. Therefore b. because of c. because d. so

7. Sonia broke her leg in two places. ____, she had to wear a cast and use crutches for three months.
a. Inasmuch as b. consequently c. for that d. because

8. Our village had ___money available for education that the schools had to close.
a. So little b. such little c. so much d. such much

9. Hundreds of species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare ___land development and the grazing of wild goats.
a. Now that b. due to c. because d. for

10. Tom Booth is one of the best players in the country. We have won all of our games __he joined our team.
a. When b. the first time c. since d. due to

Part 2: Conjunction Exercise

11. Joe seemed to be in a good mood, ___he snapped at me angrily when I asked him to join us.
a. Yet b. so c. for d. and

12. _____Jan arrives, we will have finished this group project.
a. By the time b. until c. now that d. since

13. For the most part, young children spend their time playing, eating, and ___ a lot.
a. They sleep b. sleeping c. sleep d. they are sleeping

14. Joan worked in a vineyard last summer ___Money for school expenses.
a. Because to earn b. so she earns c. for she earned d. so that she could

15. _____ unprepared for the exam, I felt sure I would get a low score.
a. Being b. having c. because d. upon

16. Ever since ___Ted the bad news, he’s been avoiding me.
a. Telling b. told c. I told d. having told

17. ___my daughter reaches the age of sixteen, she will be able to drive.
a. Having b. since c. once d. because

18. Matt will enjoy skiing more the next time he goes to Mt. Baker ____he has had skiing lessons.
a. So that b. before c. now that d. and

19. ____it’s warm and sunny today, why don’t we go to the park?
a. Therefore b. due to c. as long as d. as

20. The first time I went swimming in deep water, I sank to the bottom like a rock. ___I’ve learned to stay afloat, I feel better about the water, but I still can’t swim well.
a. As soon as b. the first time c. when d. now that

Part 3: Conjunction Exercise

21. It’s obvious that neither the workers ___to fight the new rules
a. Nor the manager intend c. nor the manager intends
b. Intend nor the manager d. intend nor the manager intends

22. Timmy doesn’t do well in school ___ his inability to concentrate on any one thing for longer than a minute or two.
a. As b. due to c. because d. therefore

23. After ___to 45 minutes of an extremely boring speech, I found myself nodding off.
a. Was listening b. listen c. listening d. having listen

24. Why did I stay until the end? I am never going to stay and watch a bad movie again! ___I am in that situation, I’m going to leave the theater immediately.
a. The next time b. now that c. after d. until

25. “Why aren’t you ready to go?
I’m ready
How can that be? It’s freezing outside, ___you’re wearing shorts and a T-shirt!”
a. For b. so c. because d. yet

26. Erin likes to swim, jog, and ___tennis.
a. Plays b. play c. to play d. playing

27. Since ___ to a warmer and less humid climate, I’ve and no trouble with my asthma.
a. Upon moving b. I moving c. moving d. I moved

28. Tony spent money buying movie tickets that he didn’t have enough left to buy a soft drink or candy bar.
a. Such b. a lot of c. too much d. so much

29. ____I get back from my next business trip, I’m taking a few day off. I’m worn out!
a. Once b. since c. now that d. every time

30. Citrus growers become anxious about losing their fragile crop of oranges ___the temperature gets near freezing in Florida.
a. And b. consequently c. until d. whenever

Part 4: Conjunction Exercise

31. Before ___a promotion and transfer to another city, I will discuss it at length with my whole family to be sure that everyone will be able to adjust to be changed.
a. Accept b. accepted c. having been accepted d. accepting

32. You should learn how to change a tire on your car ___you can handle an emergency situation if necessary.
a. So that b. when c. for that d. therefore

33. Cars have become much more complicated. ___, mechanics need more training than in the past.
a. Because b. therefore c. so that d. for

34. Not wanting to be late for my first day of class, ___to school after I missed my bus.
a. So I ran b. because I ran c. therefore, I ran d. I ran

35. It was raining ___ I couldn’t go outside.
a. Because b. so hard that c. so that d. too hard that

36. The Northern hemisphere has mostly westerly winds ___the rotation of the earth toward the east.
a. Due to b. because c. therefore d. so

37. Great white sharks are dangerous to ___will attack without warning.
a. A humans, they b. humans c. humans. Because d. humans. They

38. ___the need to finish this project soon, I want you to work on this overtime for the next few days.
a. Because b. so that c. because of d. inasmuch as

39. ___the salary meets my expectations, I will accept the job offer.
a. Due to b. even if c. provided that d. unless

40. To power their inventions, people have made use of natural energy sources, __coal, oil, water, and steam.
a. In addition to b. as c. and they use d. such as

Part 5: Conjunction Exercise

41. ____excellent art museums, Moscow has a world-famous ballet company.
a. Because b. in spite of c. in case of d. in addition to

42. It is still good know how to type ____the many technological advances in typewriters and word processors, a skilled operator remains indispensable.
a. Because b. in spite of c. in case of d. in addition to

43. Even though a duck may live on water, it stays dry ____the oil on its feathers. The oil prevents the water from soaking through the feathers and reaching its skin.
a. Due to b. besides c. in spite of d. in the event of

44. Alex cannot express himself clearly and correctly in writing. He will never advance in his job ___he improves his language skills.
a. Otherwise b. if c. only if d. unless

45. ____there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle.
a. Unless b. even though c. even d. only if

Mostly Conjunctive Adverbs

46. A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen. ___, it will stop burning.
a. Consequently b. furthermore c. otherwise d. however

47. I studies Spanish for four years in high school, I had trouble talking with people when I was traveling in Spain.
a. Therefore b. on the other hand c. moreover d. nevertheless

48. I’m sorry you’ve decided not to go with us on the river trip, but ___ you change your mind, there will still be enough room on the boat for you.
a. Even b. nevertheless c. in the event that d. provided that

49. I lie to keep the windows open at night no matter how cold it gets. My wife, ___, prefers a warm bedroom with all windows tightly shut.
a. Nevertheless b. consequently c. on the other hand d. moreover

50. Some fish can survive only in salt water, ___other species can live only in fresh water.
a. Whereas b. unless c. if d. since

Part 6: Conjunction Exercise

51. ___Jason became famous, he has ignored his old friends. He shouldn’t do that.
a. If b. ever since c. even though d. due to

52. We’re going to lose this game ___the team doesn’t start playing better soon.
a. If b. unless c. although d. whereas

53. My two children are cooking dinner for the family for the first time tonight. ___ the food is terrible, I’m going to enjoy this meal very much. It will be fun to have them cook for me for a change.
a. Only if b. if c. even if d. provided that

54. Jack insisted that he need no help, ___ I helped him anyway.
a. And b. so c. besides d. but

55. Florida is famous for its tourist attractions. Its coastline offers excellent white sand beaches. ____, it has warm, sunny weather.
a. Otherwise b. on the other hand c. nevertheless d. furthermore

56. The flowers will soon start to bloom ___winter is gone and the weather is beginning to get warmer.
a. Even if b. now that c. so d. even though

57. Only if you promise to study hard ___to tutor you.
a. Will I agree b. agree I c. I agree d. I will agree

58. Camels have either one hump or two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel, ____, has two humps.
a. Nevertheless b. however c. furthermore d. otherwise

59. Mr. Jackson hopes to avoid surgery. He will not agree to be the operation ____he is convinced that it is absolutely necessary.
a. In the event that b. unless c. if d. only if

60. Some English words have the same pronunciation ____they are spelled differently, for example, dear and deer.
a. Unless b. even though c. since d. only if

Part 7: Conjunction Exercise

61. Olives are a principal source of cooking oil, but by no means the only source. ___olives, cooking oil can be extracted from coconuts, corn, and sunflower seeds.
a. Because of b. in spite of c. in case of d. in addition to

62. I couldn’t use the pay phone, ___I didn’t have any coins with me.
a. Yet b. despite c. for d. even though

Mostly Conjunctive Adverbs:

63. I have to eat breakfast in the morning. ___I get grouchy and hungry before my lunch break.
a. Consequently b. furthermore c. otherwise d. however

64. I need to find an apartment before I can move. ____ I can find one the next week or so, I will move to Chicago the first of next month.
a. Provided that b. even if c. due to d. only if

65. Tom is trying to reduce the amount of fat he ears. Red meat is high in fat. Tom ears a lot of fish but avoids red meat ___its high fat content.
a. In the event of b. besides c. in spite of d. because of

66. ___want to take a train trip across western Canada, but my traveling companion wants to fly to Mexico city for our vacation.
a. Although I b. even if I c. I d. nevertheless I

67. Ms. Moore, the school counselor, has had years of experience dealing with student problems. ___, she is sometimes confronted by a problem that she cannot handle by herself.
a. Therefore b. nevertheless c. on the other hand d. otherwise

68. Right now all the seats o that flights are taken, sir. ___there is a cancellation, I will call you.
a. In the event that b. nevertheless c. but d. even if

69. A newborn baby can neither walk nor crawl. A newborn antelope, ____, can run within minutes of birth.
a. However b. nevertheless c. otherwise d. even though

70. You must obey the speed limits on public roads. They are designed to keep you safe. You shouldn’t exceed the speed limit ___you are an experienced race car driver.
a. Only if b. even if c. if d. provided that

Part 8: Conjunction Exercise

71. My nose got sunburned ___I wore a hat with a wide brim to shade my face.
a. If b. since c. because d. even though

72. Do you like jazz? You should go to the jazz festival ___you like that kind of music.
a. If b. unless c. although d. while

73. Peter works hard at everything he does. His brother, ____seldom puts out much effort.
a. a. On the other hand b. otherwise c. furthermore d. consequently

74. I don’t understand why, but my neighbor Mr. Morrow doesn’t like me. He never smiles at me or speaks to me ___the many efforts I have made to be friendly and neighborly.
a. Because of b. in spite of c. in case of d. in addition to

75. The festival has many attractions. IT will include contemporary orchestral music and an opera. ___, there will be people readings and theatrical presentations.
a. Otherwise b. furthermore c. nevertheless d. on the other hand

76. The bread was old and stale, ____ Martha ate it anyway.
a. And b. so c. besides d. but

77. Minerals ___nickel, copper, and zinc can be found in sea water.
a. As examples b. such as c. As an example d. as

78. Only if you get to the theater early ____a chance to get a ticket for tonight’s performance.
a. You will have b. have c. you have d. will you have

79. Everybody works _____ hard that they get exhausted when coming home.
a. Such b. too c. so d. all of the above

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