English Skills

posted in: Instruction | 0

This page is a compilation of all of the English skill posts that have been mentioned on LearningEnglishm.com. There are common-known 4 skills in English: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. But do you know that Grammar and Vocabulary are also … Continued

How to Learn English

posted in: Instruction | 4

As a student, I always asked myself how to study English by myself. And now as a teacher, I (still) ask myself how to teach English to students who would like to study by themselves. And here we are, how … Continued

Level of English

posted in: General English, Instruction | 2

yne of the most important things when studying English is to identify your Level of English. On this page, you will get to know (1) how to identify your level; (2) different level study plans; and (3) my advice for … Continued

English Discovery

posted in: Instruction | 0

Let us have some English discovery!! Study English is…relatively not very fun, but Discovering English is indeed fun!! On this page, we are going to establish some ways to have fun while studying English! As of now, there are many … Continued