English Discovery

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Let us have some English discovery!! Study English is…relatively not very fun, but Discovering English is indeed fun!! On this page, we are going to establish some ways to have fun while studying English!

As of now, there are many ways you can have fun with:

English Discovery

First of all, let us discover some Fun Facts that are only available in English!

You can also learn English with some Shorts (Youtube video) that are under one minute yet very helpful!

Or you can find your Motivation to study English with famous quotes.

And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to leave it here.

Ohhh, I almost forgot. If you are a teacher, or if you are studying with a friend, have a look at my Teaching Materials. There are many games and activites for you to play with!

If you are interested in literature, suggest seeing English Expression.

And finally, for those who can ultilize Vietnamese, please feel free to join My Discussion.

English Discovery - Have fun with English

Academic English

Alternatively, if you would like to get serious sith English, please try English Skills. Here you can have access to a variety of skills such as Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

You can also check all of the posted contents on this page within this post: Compilation. Check it out!

Whether you would like to have fun or get serious with English, the most important thing is discipline! Try to organize a timetable with which you can have a regular time to learn.

Also, try to stay away from any distractions such as phones, friends, and so on. Start with 10-15 minutes a day then increase this amount when you are familiar with it.

Oh well, that is all! Feel free to bookmark and enjoy your journey! Almost forgot. Please have a look at How to Learn English if you are still confused as to where to start and what to learn.

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