Antithesis Formal Vocabulary

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The formal vocabulary that we are studying today is ANTITHESIS. At first glance, antithesis seems like a …complicated word, but apparently, it’s not! To use the word in the IELTS test is not only simple but also…beneficial!

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Video of Antithesis – Formal Vocabulary

The Pronunciation of the word ANTITHESIS – Formal Vocabulary

is not exact easy. It is because the word involves the sound θ as in


For those who find it hard to pronounce the sound, I suggest watching how to pronounce TH. But then again, if you’re watching this video, chances are you have already known this. Heh heh!

Now, the meaning of this word is straightforward:

“the complete opposite of something.”

When you want to mention the opposite thing(s) of what you want to say, use this word. To use the word, please bear in mind that this word usually goes in a collocation:

“The Antithesis Of” something.

Let me give you some examples:

  • In the domestic sphere the policy was equally fundamental, for tariff reform was seen as the antithesis of socialism.
  • He was a quiet, caring and loving boy, his nature being the antithesis of mine.
  • Research is the antithesis of randomness.

And now, last but not least, what is

its implication in the IELTS test?

1/ First of all, we can use it in IELTS Writing Task 1 – Map, when mentioning about the topic sentence before writing anything else:

The place has become the antithesis of what it used to be, transforming from an industrial place to an urban city.

2/ We can also use it to compose a topic sentence, usually the second topic sentence when you want to discuss an opposite view.

Nevertheless, there are people advocating the antithesis of this idea.

3/ And of course, the most “versatile” use of Antithesis is to “find synonym”. You see, in IELTS Writing and Speaking, sometimes we need to find and use synonyms of a word, don’t we? Say, what if I want to find a synonym with “merit” but don’t know it? Then I can write:

What studying abroad gives to students is the antithesis of repercussions.

And that is the word today, thanks for watching. For more formal word, vocabulary for IELTS, please visit my Youtube Channel.

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