Level of English

posted in: General English, Instruction | 2

yne of the most important things when studying English is to identify your Level of English. On this page, you will get to know (1) how to identify your level; (2) different level study plans; and (3) my advice for learning English.

Level of English

There are 7 levels of English (according to CEFR). One of the good ways to know where you are is to depend on the amount of time you have studied English:

  1. First of all, Beginner: under 100 hours
  2. Next, Elementary: from 100 to 200 hours
  3. After that, Pre-intermediate: from 200 to 300 hours
  4. Following this, Intermediate: from 300 to 500 hours.
  5. And then Upper-intermediate: from 500 to 700 hours.
  6. Addtionally, Advanced: from 700 to 900 hours.
  7. Finally, English for Academic Purposes: from 900 to 1200 hours.

This is according to CEFR.

Different levels of English - how to learn english

Study Plan

Different levels will have different lessons. And depending on your levels, you are going to explore the lessons on different angles. For example, at beginner, you may study Present Sinple, but only with s and es. At Advaned, you may learn how to use Present Simple to talk about Future.

Click on different levels or lessons to discover!

First of all, you can check the study plan for Beginner English here.

Next, you can check the study plan for Elementary English here.

And then you can check the study plan for Pre-intermediate English here.

At this point, you can check the study plan for Intermediate English here.

Following this, you can check the study plan for Upper-Intermediate English here.

Addtionally, you can check the study plan for Advanced English here.

Finally, you can check the study plan for English for Academic Purposes here.


My advice

Studying takes time. And English is not an exception. Be patient when you are studying. Also, try to study with a friend. Speaking in English is the best way to improve your English skills.

Well, that is all, for now. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask. And if you need to relax once in awhile, try English Discovery or my Youtube Shorts.

Goodbye and Good luck!

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Fan Qing Cheang
Fan Qing Cheang
9 months ago

Hình như thầy chưa lên hết chương trình tiếng Anh tổng quát phải ko ạ? Em vào đọc thấy bài đang được viết thôi ạ