Fun Facts

posted in: English Discovery | 0

Do you know a fun fact that in English, “a” can be pronounced as “ei” or sometimes “i” or “e” of course “a” but sometimes “ai”? Well, there are many things which are very interesting about English that only a long-term English learner (or an English native speaker) would know. This post contains those fun facts. Let us figure out one by one and have fun!

Before we start, if you want to learn English while having fun, try English Discovery or my Youtube Shorts. Alternatively, should you need a study plan, please read How to Learn English.

Fun Fact in English - Have fun with English

English Fun Facts

This crazy thing only happens in Australia. Australia speakers often say “Yeah, nah” for negative response. And “Nah, yeah” for postive response. What? Why? Well, watch the short video for more information!

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